My Unique Perspective On The Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan Debate: An Original Analysis About God and Debunking Evolution With Scientific Evidence

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higher power gives one sense of purpose and certainty, richard dawkins and piers morgan debate, mr safology debate corner, mr safology higher power
higher power gives one sense of purpose and certainty, richard dawkins and piers morgan debate, mr safology debate corner, mr safology higher power

Acknowledging the higher power, eliminates the fear of the unknown and as a result; we become “superhuman.” Submitting to the creator of the universe and planet Earth, gives a sense of one’s purpose in life. To strive for an eternal bliss.

The boundary between acknowledging the higher power and participating in religion can be penetrated, thus emerged as one. Yet, religion can express malleable properties to please society, culture and individual dictators. To combat this, the last claimed divine scripture, Quran 2:256, states “no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from error.” Following a divine law, (eg shariah), should not benefit those that adore spreading their corruption and control. Rather, should benefit us individually and collectively.
One may ponder; Are we not grateful for even existing? Acknowledging the creator most certainly gives us the sense of Purpose and Power of Certainty!

Here is my 1st and unique perspective response on the explosive debate: “Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan” regarding the existence of a higher power and Evolution. Enjoy!

Will Richard Dawkins Reject His Own Works?

First of all, Dawkins has written publications on Atheism. It is difficult for a man of that background to disregard his own works in an instant. As a scientist myself, I can see his point of view. However, truth is truth and theories are made to be challenged. This is why he states that he is “no physicist” and is lacking in knowledge. So, him becoming an agnostic is a step forward. May Allah, the higher power, the creator, guide him to the truth.

Piers Morgan uncensored debate with Biologist Richard Dawkins: Explosive, uncertainty and arrogance?

Unvisited Yet True and Valid Reasons, Such Atheists May Reject In A Higher Power.

Now for reasons why atheists may not accept the existence of a higher power. These points are not well-known and few rationale interpretations may even surprise you.


There are many reasons why one can’t accept God’s (higher power) existence. Arrogance is one of them. No matter what you say to them, they will not listen with an open heart, not open minded to learn and gain knowledge.


Another reason as to why one does not accept existence of God, is fear. All wrongdoings they have done in life, they fear the worst for themselves, they feel they can never be good enough for heaven, eternal bliss. Allah is all merciful. Every chapter except one in the Quran starts with bismillahirahmanirrahim. In the name of Allah, the most merciful. Allah is most forgiving.

So Dawkins may have fear in himself, especially when he has published books on NO Existence of God (a higher power). Goldilocks Enigma and God Delusion.

Goldilocks enigma response to this. (Paul Davies The Goldilocks Enigma – Why is the Universe just Right for Life? (Penguin Allen Lane, 2006). )

Higher Power Is Only For Theists:

You think Allah provides for only Muslims? You’re wrong. Every single creation is given a life, and free will to decide what to do with their lives. Allah, higher power, provides for atheists as well. They are the creation of Allah after all. Until your last breath, every single person has an opportunity to appreciate God and God existence, gratifying God and pondering on what God has created. Scientists ponder on what God created, this action is a form of worship.

Richard Dawkins pondering on the existence of this universe and how it started, is a form of worship. As he is getting closer to the truth.

Desires and No Purpose

Another reason as to why one does not acknowledge existence of God, is merely desires. Chasing your desires, and because of this, one is more focused on the worldly life than what will happen after they die.

When you die, do you know what will happen to your soul?

Do you even believe that you have a soul? If you do, why? These are questions to ask yourselves, especially if one is subscribed to the religion of Atheism.

Are you just here for no purpose? What a waste of a life you have. Living for what? 60, 70, 80 years and that’s it. Money, fame, girls? Guys? What is it? Dead. You’re non existent, gone. What a waste. So why were you even born then? What will happen to you when you die?

Hitler. He never got caught and was never punished for his crimes. Where is he now? Nowhere? Non existent? True justice is in the eternal realm of everlasting living.

Superhuman Arrogance

Another reason why one does not acknowledge God, is own arrogance that no one species or people are greater than yourself. Is there no need for a creator? You think we humans created Earth? Who created the first man?

This is why Dawkins states “superhuman” instead of “super beings.”

Dawkins is arrogant and is believing that no species are greater than himself (human, this superhuman).

We can’t even travel to Mars as humans yet, never mind thinking we created Mars!

Mohammed Hijab response to Piers Morgan uncensored debate with Richard Dawkins. Not really a great response, but substantial enough to entertain and to perceive the viewpoint of a debater.

Response To Evolution

Now, when it comes to evolution.  Dawkins does discuss this. This is my response.

I am Muslim (defined as submitting to higher power only). I only believe with evidence. I can not believe in God, rather I acknowledge that there is a creator that created Earth. Created all of us.

May I state clearly, that whatever wrong one has done, the creator Allah, is all forgiving and all merciful. People can’t accept God, due to the fact that they’re scared of their punishment. Just because one does not believe in God, one will not get punished by God when they die. Because, you have a soul. Allah is all forgiving.

When you’re in your mother’s womb. Did you know that you’re being developed? Did you perceive your birth? No.

When you set your alarm (sleep), do you know when you fall asleep? That’s the point when your soul leaves the body. I’m Muslim and I acknowledge this.

A soul is clearly given to us. Why?

We have consciousness. Can we see consciousness? No, but we know we have consciousness.

“Theories are theories”

I am a biologist, biomedical background, developing my career in research. I sat through many seminars on this, yet the narrative of evolution has always been theories. Not factual. It’s only factual in structure, to allow progression in the academic world. That’s all.

I agree that we should be intellectually challenged. Yet, this gentleman Dawkins, “believes” in “no creator.” Thus, he has a belief. Without proof that there isn’t a “creator.” He’s claiming there’s no God, yet he has no proofs that there isn’t God. He’s claiming, he should provide evidence to say that there’s no God.

So far, I heard Dawkins state that evolution is fact. May I state that evolution is merely theories. Theories are not factual. They’re theories. Evolution is debunked. He knows it.

But he admits that he doesn’t know and know one will know how life started. I acknowledge what started this. A creator.

Human Beings Are Superior To All Other Beings.

Animals are not comparable to humans when it comes to communication. Look at our vast language eloquence. In fact, we utilise sophisticated language and our difference between animals is our ability to ask questions. Jane Goodall, a highly respected primatologist,  heavily emphasises on this. She has stayed and interacted with chimps throughout her life. She clearly tells us that we are different in terms of language and our ability to ask questions.

Animals don’t ask questions, they don’t debate over the smallest things. They’re not fighting over things. Why? They can’t. It’s not built within them. Therefore, they are in survival mode and rely on instincts.

You won’t see a lion think about what not to eat. If there’s meat in front of it, the lion will eat it. The lion wouldn’t start questioning and start to converse with vegan lions. There’s no such thing as vegan lions. It’s instinct.

As a submitter to the creator, I recognise animals as creations. Cows can’t digest meat, yet they churn with 4 stomachs. We as humans can’t digest grass, but we have one stomach.

Naturally, cows eat grass and us humans can not eat grass. We have canine teeth, we have amino acids that we need to gain from diet (or external supplements) as the only source. Naturally.

You see, animals should be respected. That’s why we consume halal meat in Islam. We don’t electrocute animals. We have to slaughter the halal animal in a halal way. Let’s say lamb. It has to be fed in an organic way and lifestyle. Then when slaughtering, a sharp knife slits the jugular vein on the neck. The point where the pain receptors stop functioning, and the brain loses it’s ability quickly. Blood is restricted from travelling between brain to superior Vena Cava due to the slit jugular vein, thus blood is not transported  to the heart and lungs.  Animals feel much less pain due to rapid blood loss, than compared to electrocution or shooting which is felt completely by the animal.

Animals don’t build tall buildings. Humans do. Us humans are elite in creation by Allah. We control other animals.

We control other animals.

If you want to talk about evolution, well gather knowledge first.  No evidence at all. No complete fossil structure, it’s all based on assumption. As a scientist and one of my modules I read at university was based on evolution, and that it’s merely based on assumption. I can quickly give a few points for you. Evolution is debunked!

Cambrian Explosion:

The giraffes going from short necks to long necks. So stupid with the claim. The research shows no. I’ll repeat. NO evidence/ NO findings of transitional forms of fossils of the giraffes. So, the shortening of the vessels etc. We need transitional fossils to show us that transition. Well, there aren’t any. Innumerable claim was used. Origin of species book, chapter 6 named Difficulty in Theory. This form of fossils have to exist to make this claim. It must exist to have innumerable transitional forms. In fact, Stephen Gay Gould “Panda’s Thumb” claims to shift information. Yes, now the claim is “sudden appearance of species.” So, there’s no evolution then. Out of nowhere a “sudden appearance of species.”

Vestigial Organs:

This is just really contradicting and they’ve shot themselves in the foot. They say that such organs are vestigial (useless). Why? Because evolution is true. But doesn’t evolution state that all organs must be used for survival and reproduction? Vestigial Organs evidence, because evolution is true. So funny. What a contradiction!

I asked AI ChatGPT and I advise you to try this as well. The computer ruled and stated that AI ChatGPT is bias. So, in the conversation, such questions were answered without any evidence:

  • How do we know such vestigial organs are not for survival and reproduction?
  • The whole point of vestigial organs is to show evolution. But the organs are useless, yet passed down through generations. Why?
  • How do we know the appendix had the function related to digestion? We don’t, so we can’t assume this. However, we definitely know that appendix does in fact show functionality, as presence of lymphoid tissue and recent studies demonstrate roles in maintaining gut microbiome diversity.

Homology Is Proven To Be Rejected:

Homology in short is the similarities due to common descent (or you can say ancestry). This is now rejected clearly. Look at Marsupials Vs Placentals research. As a summary, these 2 different mammals are also geographically distinct. In  remote parts of the world (unrelated to others), yet there are anatomical features and traits similarities. They say that these two are related, but they’re independent convergent evolution! And not due to similarities to common descent!

As if it’s due to similarities are common descent,  differences are due to different ancestry. Similarities found not to common descent. This therefore undermines their side of the conversation (source: Rav Jon “Bio.”).

Evolution Is Lacking

So evolution is debunked. Many theories come and go. Not even one can be backed up with clear proofs.

Darwinism, theory of natural selection, Lamarckism and many others are theories, in which their understanding of evolution is solely based on assumption. Theories have no concrete fact, they base upon. They are just theories, possible reasonings to evolution, or even if there is evolution, at all.

You may have heard, Darwin theory stating we share 99% DNA with chimps. There is scientific proof. However, as I say, theory is based on assumption and is meant to be proven wrong. No complete factual evidence.

99% DNA chimps and humans are shared, is false. Why? As the theory
assumes common ancestors are shared.

However, in 1974 it was established that the 99% is actually coding DNA. Whilst 95% of all DNA is Non-coding, Darwin ignored this main section of DNA. 95% of DNA ignored, solely to prove his theory as correct. So 5% of all DNA is shared between chimps. And that 5% of DNA is coding DNA. Yet, the main section of DNA is Non coding, 95% of it, and was ignored by Darwin.

Now, having known this, should I base my knowledge on evolution with his theory? No, I won’t. He, Darwin, has deliberately left out the main section of DNA, to prove his point. But as scientists now know, this theory is rejected. 

I studied evolution and genetics at university for a module. We were told, that there is no direct, concrete fact of evolution, they are all theories. However, through technology and studying the human genome project, it has come to know that we have a common ancestor. Linguistically, “ancestor” is not affirmed, however the scientific information for this topic in question, is feasible and fascinating. In particular, mitochondrial Eve.

Mitochondrial Eve

This maternal ancestor of all human beings does confirm that Eve did live many years ago, and through this maternal ancestor, we all have inherited this genetic blueprint. 200,000 years ago. The hyper- variability locus, as in the specific region of mtEve is used to give the biological clock.
Thus, this is a measure of time against statistical analysis with samples of various human blood. Mitochondrial DNA has been inherited by maternal Eve (yes Eve!) and passed on to us.
Now, nuclear DNA is a mystery. insha’Allah (if the higher power wills) we will know and realise factual evidence during this period. If Allah wills.

So, these evolution theories are nothing but theories. Scientists admit their own wrongdoings, but we still acknowledge the information as factual. This has to change and Richard Dawkins tells us to challenge our knowledge, our views. He’s right in this. Let the information, evidence,  decide for us.

Why I Conclude The Basis of Richard Dawkins To Refuse and Not Acknowledge In A Higher Power “God.” Is Dawkins God Delusional?

Dawkins does not accept God due to his fear of accepting it, and all his work is wasted. Also, he’s scared of the punishment he will receive when he dies on Earth. Just remember, Allah is all forgiving. Be open minded and gain knowledge with an open heart. Insha’Allah (If God wills) Dawkins will be a great biologist and a “believer” in God. Just imagine the level of respect he will receive, his bravery once he acknowledges the creator. Unless there’s a scientific hierarchy that are in control. Hope not.

Be sure to check out below for my other posts and all the links to the products I myself use and recommended within this post.

Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay Safe!

Links & Products:

Richard Dawkins books:

Selfish gene

Extended Selfish Gene

God Delusion

Origin Of Species

Origin Of Species

Pandas thumb:

Jane Goodall books:

The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for an Endangered Planet (Global Icons Series, 1)

In The Shadow Of Man 




What is Halal video (5mins and animated)

APA Sources:

Mitochondrial DNA Eve



Kimura, M. (1986). DNA and the Neutral Theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 312(1154), 343–354.

Peters JL, Roberts TE, Winker K, McCracken KG (2012) Heterogeneity in Genetic Diversity among Non-Coding Loci Fails to Fit Neutral Coalescent Models of Population History. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31972. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031972

G. Bernardi. 2019. The genomic code: a pervasive encoding/moulding of chromatin structures and a solution of the “non-coding DNA” mystery. BioEssays 41:12. 1900106

Marcupials Vs placental
Jamile M Bubadué, Carla D Hendges, Jorge J Cherem, Felipe O Cerezer, Tania P Falconí, Maurício E Graipel, Nilton C Cáceres, Marsupial versus placental: assessing the evolutionary changes in the scapula of didelphids and sigmodontines, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 128, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 994–1007,

Responding to Goldilocks Enigma

Paul Davies The Goldilocks Enigma – Why is the Universe just Right for Life? (Penguin Allen Lane, 2006).

Vestigial Organs
Smith, H.F., Wright, W. (2018). Vestigial Organ. In: Vonk, J., Shackelford, T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer, Cham.

Thanukos, A. Bringing Homologies Into Focus. Evo Edu Outreach 1, 498–504 (2008).

Lamarckism debunked by Darwin believers

Darwinism and Lamarckism
Sen, Supatra. (2020). The Environment in Evolution : Darwinism and Lamarckism Revisited. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3537393.

Cambrian Explosion
Briggs D. E. (2015). The Cambrian explosion. Current biology : CB, 25(19), R864–R868.

The Authentic Reality: Vitamin D

One may passionately agree that supplements are a backup plan, if the 3 main meals consumed are not prepared with the most nutritional ingredients. Such as the usual culprits; fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and fish (or just fish if you are pescatarian). Some of us may even accept that elevating certain minerals, vitamins may aid in treating signs of deficiency, which they may be responsible for.

However, supplementation is not always the quick cure to unwanted symptoms.

In terms of vitamin D3 (calciferol), the short answer is: YES. That is if the body’s own production of vitamin D3 (in the skin) and thus body stores are lacking (not enough). We make our own vitamin D3, mainly in the skin via presence of UVB rays given to us by the sun. In the UK, 40% are deficient in D3. Especially in winter, where the UVB rays are lacking and the body relies on its stores. It is known that there is 57% (~ 3/5) greater risk of death from all causes for individuals with a lack of D3. So yes, D3 is crucial to one’s health.

Who Is Likely To Be  Deficient In Vitamin D3?

It is more beneficial to supplement D3 if you are:

  • Experiencing bacterial and/or viral infections (COVID-19, Common Cold, E.coli/Staphlococcus aureus related infections): Weakening immune system
  • Pregnant (lactating).
  • Elderly
  • Display D3 Deficiency related symptoms.
  • Those lacking consumption of oily fish: Vegetarians, Vegans and those that don’t enjoy eating fish.
Juicy full of Vitamin D3 Scottish Salmon with crispy skin. Yes Please! Sorry Vegans and Vegetarians

What Are The Signs Of D3 Deficiency?


Vitamin D3 is produced to give energy, thus lack of D3 results in fatigue.

Optimal skeletal muscle functioning is significantly reduced, due to the low levels of vitamin D and its receptors.

Aching Bones:

Lacking in D3 may soften one’s bones, and soft tissue are not replaced; leading to Osteomalacia.


Soft bone tissue is not replaced and this condition occurs after epiphysis closure.

Painful muscles

This is due to fatigue and reduced muscle function.


Feeling depressed is a usual sign of D3 deficiency in which there are reduced levels of mono-amines produced. Such as the happy chemical serotonin and feel good dopamine. Vitamin D3 aids in production of these chemicals.

What Are The Daily Supplement Requirements?

Vitamin D3 supplements: Beneficial as a whole, but if your symptoms persist after consumption then hospital / GP advice is recommended for your safety. 4000 IU/day of D3 is highly advised for the average person!


The reasons why the better supplements include a slight elevated quantity of vitamin D3, is that a portion quantity of D3 is removed from your body via urination.

10 µg is enough for most of us. However for some with a slightly worse sign(s) of D3 deficiency, it may be better to take 4000 IU amount per day of supplements.

Consuming More Than 4000 IU/day of D3 Is Safe For Who?

If you weigh more than average, and/or take pre-consumption of medications (nicotine, Anti-epilepsy). Ergo, greater Vitamin D3 consumption (+5000IU) is much more advised for these individuals only.

As for general reasoning: it is highly safe to consume more than 5000IU of Vitamin D3.

UPDATE: Latest journal on vitamin D3 and COVID-19. In summary, Lewis states that D3 is beneficial! Recommended dose of 4-5,000 IU for adults, 1-2,000 IU for children!

Key Sources For Vitamin D3 Toxicity: It is highly safe to consume greater amounts of D3 (+5000IU)

Medical Caution:

Too much of a good thing can be detrimental to one’s health status. So consume the daily requirements via supplementation and if symptoms persist, then seek medical advice from your local GP. If other treatments are required for you if your D3 levels are healthy, only GP/ local hospital will treat this for you.

The information provided within this post is accurate with credible and reputable sources. However, if the signs of deficiency are highly severe, then take further expert advice from your local hospital, GP. Stay Safe!

Other Functions Of Beneficial D3 To Combat Risks Of D3 Deficiency:

Calcium and phosphate ions are highly absorbed by the intestines. Additionally, bone mineralisation mediated by Osteoblasts within the bone structure require vitamin D3. This identifies the importance of bone health given to us by vitamin D3.

If there are issues in the process which occurs after epiphsis closure, this adult condition is known as Osteomalacia. If the disrupted process occurs before epiphysis closure, thus in children, the condition is what we know as Rickets. Thus, vitamin D3 is highly regarded as a vitamin to promote one’s health, especially in terms of Osteopathy.

Other risks to Those With Vitamin D3 Deficiency include:

Greater risk of autoimmune diseases, renal osteodystrophy (bone disease affects kidneys Ca2+ and PO4- maintenance) and elevated susceptibility to viral infections.

Such as the common cold, flu and COVID-19

Click the image to read the latest journal on D3 and COVID-19. In summary, Lewis states that D3 is beneficial! Recommended dose of 4-5,000 IU for adults, 1-2,000 IU for children!

Too much of a good thing can be detrimental to one’s health status.

Too much vitamin D can lead to over build up of calcium, leading to vomiting and problems with the kidneys. Why?

Kidney Issues Reasoning: Inactive cholecalciferol (D3) is absorbed in the skin and travels to the liver as calcifediol (also known as calcidiol). This calcifediol is converted to active calcitriol within the kidneys. This process aids in calcium absorption. Disrupted process, thus patients with greater D3 show signs leading to kidney and liver failure.

The Metabolic Pathway Of Vitamin D (Calciferol)

Via UVB rays presence, 7dehyrocholesterol (skin producing vitamin D) is stored as vitamin D3. D3 is hydroxylated in the liver by the aid of 25a-hydroxylase to calcidiol (25-hydroxycholecalceferol). 1a-hydroxylase transports calcidiol to the kidneys to produce 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol.

2021 Update: FAQ’s On Vitamin D- via Forums and Direct Messages

Breast cancer is the world's 2nd biggest killer. Recent study shows  nearly 81.8% of breast cancer women postmenopausal (55.6% of total individuals including control and non-cancer patients) are deficient in vitamin D.
A breakthrough study shows (VDR) Vitamin D Receptors, intranuclear and cytoplasmic, found to be highly expressed in invasive breast tumours, thus associated with favourable prognostic factors. Hazard ratios 0.56 (95%, CI 0.34–0.91) and 0.59 (0.30–1.16) respectively. Ergo, lower risk of death from breast cancer if vitamin D levels are high.
Huss et Al study also identified lower expression of Ki67 (prognostic indicators for biopsy assessments of metastatic cancer ).

Machado, Murilo Renato Matos et al. “Low pretreatment serum concentration of vitamin D at breast cancer diagnosis in postmenopausal women.” Menopause (New York, N.Y.) vol. 26,3 (2019): 293-299. doi:10.1097/GME.0000000000001203

Huss, L., Butt, S.T., Borgquist, S. et al. Vitamin D receptor expression in invasive breast tumors and breast cancer survival. Breast Cancer Res 21, 84 (2019).

First of all, D3 is 2x more effective than D2. cholecalciferol (D3) is more effective in raising and maintaining vitamin D levels in your bloodstream.
Secondly, doctors usually prescribe D2 as it is cheaper to produce, as it is plant sourced. Cheaper to produce, downside is that more of D2 is needed to achieve the same results that D3 gives.

So ask your doctor why Dr gave you D2 not D3, when the Dr knows that D3 is more effective? Money talks. D3 can be supplemented for much cheaper, and that it can be found in foods and the sun.
Unless you have issues with your kidneys, which you don't as your results don't say otherwise, D3  is much more effective in absorption into the blood, and quite frankly equal if not much better in metabolism and efficacy.

First of all, take the D3 4000iu a day, with a full glass of water. That is a must. Not a sip, but a whole glass of water. Many have told me through forums and messages, that they  sip water. No sipping, drink a whole glass of refreshing water. Stay hydrated throughout the day is essential. Whether you're supplementing or not. Now coming back to cramps.

Hypercalcaemia- higher levels of calcium in the blood. If you're taking 4000iu a day, then this is not an issue. If you are taking a lot more, then it can lead to loss of appetite, cramps, IBS related symptoms. As in, +6000iu a day. Make sure it is D3. It is great that you are consuming with food/ not on an empty stomach.
In order to distinguish between IBS related symptoms and High calcium in blood, try and not be stressed. Stress is the ultimate culprit for stomach pain and cramps. It may not even be vitamin D3 as the issue. Avoid foods that trigger cramps. Consume less milk, cheeses, foods that contain high calcium. And finally and most importantly, drink lots of water.

Yes, of course. Magnesium works together with vitamin D.
Yes, with max dose of 350mg per day for adults.
Magnesium promotes heart / bone/ brain health,

Advice is to take a blood test, to make sure you are not magnesium deficient. That way, D3 can work well in conjunction with magnesium.  Magnesium deficiency  will not give any benefit from vitamin D3. So take a blood test to make sure you're not wasting D3 and that you are not magnesium deficient.

There is no benefit. You are wasting your money on B12 supplements. Stick with D3 only and Magnesium if after blood test, you are magnesium deficient.

Burning tongue, burning mouth. Stress. Hair loss.

Essential for the immune system to fight against bacteria, viruses, environment and disease causing changes (cancer). Reduces risk to many diseases, including breast cancer, multiple sclerosis and many cancers.  Even reduce the risk of Alzheimer's association, improve and/or prevent osteoarthritis.
Fantastic for skin health and stronger bones! Helps with hair loss!

Salmon: wild type with 988 IU per 100g serving (USDA data), farmed salmon 250 IU per serving.
Rainbow Trout farmed: 645 IU per serving.
Canned Sardines: each can with 177 IU.
Canned tuna: 268 IU per 100g serving.
Eggs : 1 egg = 37 IU
1 glass of milk/soy milk= 115–130 IU
Cereals, oatmeals.

Supplements. 4000iu of D3 per day is recommended.
Consume foods high in vitamin D3.
Enjoy the sun, and reduce stress.

Vitamin D3-.known as cholecalciferol. 4000 IU (100mcg) per day supplements recommended.

Of course, as long as it is D3. It is actually  ideal to take 2x as much. 4000 IU daily.

Symptoms of fatigue, stress, weak, lack of energy. Even IBS related symptoms

Short answer, NO. Actually, higher obese patients have low vitamin D levels. Also, limited evidence to suggest weight gain. So No, no need to worry about weight gain, you ladies out there.

2 months with 4000IU D3 daily, or 4 months with 2000IU D3 daily. Not recommended to go higher than  5000IU of D3 daily.

Children under 9, are not to be taking vitamin D3 supplements.
Older children and adults: can have nausea, stomach cramps if not taken with plenty water.
Overdose (taking more than 4000 IU of D3 if not overweight or older): difficulty breathing, weight loss, vomiting, bone pain.

Make sure to drink plenty of water with any supplements and medications.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to alopecia (spot baldness). So yes, it helps with hair loss. For hair growth, more studies need to be done to understand the correlation reasonings further. Great for hair!

No, but lack of vitamin D in your blood has shown to be associated with rotaviral diarrhea.
Vitamin d3 overdose can give diarrhea, constipation and/or stomach pain.


Vitamin D3 is beneficial to supplement. It is more effective for children, pregnant, elderly and adults with signs of deficiency. With the latter, as soon as the signs are improving, then it is highly advised to stop popping the vitamin D supplements (links below). However, too much of a good thing can in fact do more harm than good. So stay within the requirements, if the issue persists (which in most cases it does not) then visit your local GP or hospital. Also, it is safe to take +5000IU of D3 supplements. So Not to worry!

Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay D3 Balanced!

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommended Products:


Vitamin D3 4000IU 1 whole year supply: For only £7

My choice: Premium and vegetarian UK manufactured and over a year of supply: £7

COVID-19 and Vitamin D3:

BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 05 October 2020)

Vitamin D3 Metabolic Pathway:

Bikle D. D. (2014). Vitamin D metabolism, mechanism of action, and clinical applications. Chemistry & biology21(3), 319–329.

40% UK are deficient:

The Authentic Reality: IBS Symptoms and Diagnosis Is More Common Post Lockdown, Mainly To Stress- Latest 2021 Data Indicates

Mr Safology The Authentic Reality: IBS Symptoms and Diagnosis Is More Common Post Lockdown, Mainly To Stress- Latest 2021 Data Indicates

Latest 2021 data reveals IBS symptoms and diagnosis is much more common during and post Covid-19 lockdown , mainly due to stress. What is IBS and why does latest data reveal such rise? In this short digestible post, you will understand:

What is IBS?

Mr Safology, what is IBS, woman in pain stomach cramp

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a complication that gives a lot of discomfort to a patient’s abdomen. Ergo, it is defined as a common disorder characterised by chronic abdominal pain specifically associated with a change in frequency or form of bowel habit [2].

Fig.1: Microscopic anatomy of large intestine as histological structure. Many crypts are seen to elongate and extend deeply onto lumenal flat surface, mucosa and muscularis.

A healthy, thus normal body’s waste components after digestion (mouth to small intestine) are deposited as stool in the large intestine region.

However, the stools in the large intestine of IBS patients’ cause pain, discomfort and irritation of the surrounding large intestinal tissues (mucosa, submucosa, musular layer, serosa), refer to Fig.1. This can cause a repeating cycle of diarrhea (severe IBSD), constipation (severe IBSC), both (IBSCD/ IBSMixed/IBSUnclassified) over a time period.

 Thus, the Rome criteria divides IBS into these 4 subtypes in terms of the patient’s most prominent bowel habit.

Mr Safology, man in pain abdoman cramp pain on bed, headache

In clinical practice, IBS is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) [1]. Although IBS in general is more common among women, IBS-D is more common among men [2]. This counts to ~40% of all IBS patients [2].

What causes IBS?

Fig. 2: indicating brain-gut axis interaction; Microbial-host metabolism and the effect on behavioral function of brain. Stress, brain related disorders are the major culprits, with current research, [ Thakur AK, Shakya A, Husain GM, Emerald M, Kumar V (2014) Gut-Microbiota and Mental Health: Current and Future Perspectives. J Pharmacol Clin Toxicol 2(1):1016.]

Though there is no answer yet to why this chronic discomfort occurs, but what is known is this:

There is a communication error between the brain and large Intestine via nerve signals that allow for the regulation of peristalsis. IBS patients have a defect in signalling from the brain to the large intestine (brain-gut axis [2]), resulting in abnormal peristalsis.

Peristalsis: movement of muscle contraction that is always present from the stomach to the large intestine, to regulate digestion.

If there is a slow communication to the large intestine via delayed brain nerves signals: constipation as peristalsis is halted.

If there is a hyperactive communication to the large intestine via hyperactive brain nerves signals: diarrhea as peristalsis has increased much more than required.

Other Factors That Lead To IBS?

Mr safology, brain gut axis, personality and genetics also plays a role in IBS diagnosis reasoning

Figure 3: schematic summary of the pathophysiological factors that lead to IBS. Personality (eg. Anxiety,stressful etc.), genetics (ancestrial, inherited traits).

One’s personalitystress is a prominent trait that is associated in terms of the disrupted brain-gut axis communiciation.

Genetic traits– family history of colorectal carcinoma [2]

Dehydration and lack of fibre rich, gut pleasing foods in your diet: Simply drinking more water than usual and consumption of high fibre is required for gut pain relief.


Mr Safology, symptoms of IBS, woman in bed and in pain holding abdomen.

Irritation: The stools causing irritation in the large intestine commonly cause discomfort, abdomen pain, cramps.

Diarrhea and constipation: Patients describe pain and discomfort either due to diarrhea, constipation or both. Additionally, patients are more likely to experience a cycle of diarrhea and constipation. This occurs over a period of time, usually 6 days.

IBS is a syndrome that prioritises symptomology based on diagnosis using the Rome criteria [1]. This is mainly to biomarker absence. Ergo, this heterogeneity is much more complicated to treat.


Mr safology, IBS diagnosis, woman writing and patient is on the bed.

Controlled Tests are normal yet the patient is experiencig symptoms of IBS:

A patient is classed as IBS if all other contolled tests via The Exclusion Principle are conducted and conclude as normal, yet still experience discomfort and irritation. This is done to exclude any other possible underlying issues relating to the colon and gastrial intestine.

Tests that show normal healthy results in IBS and normal patients: 

USG profile, normal stool profile, normal colonoscopy, normal blood tests.#

What to know: IBS differential diagnosis is not specific. Other medical conditions such as  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bile acid diarrhea, celiac disease and lactose intolerance are interlinked.

No blood is seen in the stool samples:

If there is blood, then IBD (structurally defective small intestine , gastrintestinal tract) may be the diagnosis. For those patients; ferritin, total blood count, vitamin B testing, C-reactive protein inflammatory marker testing is taken into account to confidently distinguish between IBD and iron deficiency anaemia [2].

To Summarise: So, if tests done are normal and the patient consumes a lot of water and has tried taking foods that are great for digestion and constipation (senna and fibre rich foods): IBS classified.

Medical Caution:

The information provided within this post is accurate with credible and reputable sources. However, if the signs of IBS are highly severe, then take further expert advice from your local hospital, GP. Make sure to take all tests mentioned above. Stay Safe!


Currently, there is no cure. Treatments are only to manage the irritation. However, first in-line treatment [1] is to adapt a lifestyle change and to tweak your diet:

£6.27 The Clever Guts Diet by Dr Michael Mosley. Clever guts indeed!

Changing your lifestyle and consuming the special natural foods that boost your immune system and gut microbiome (click here to know what Dr Michael Mosley recommends) can reset your gut health , leaving you feeling relieved and less stressed.

You will be surprised by how many patients diagnosed with many medical complications have reduced their symptoms and their effects. How? By resetting their natural microflora.

Delicious and great for relieving abdominal pain!
£11.60 Yakult 15 x 65ml

Consuming probiotics (yakult) and resetting your gut microbiome should treat bowel irritation and pain in the gut. Thus, relieving refractory IBS symptoms.

Alternative treatments:

Hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, phytomedicines and acupuncture are also alternative treatments. However, not enough tests and biomedical research are carried out to determine the alternative treatments as effective [1].

Resetting the gut microbiome is key to this incurable disease, in my biomedical view.


Mr Safology, pharmaceutical treatments for IBS

There are many pharmaceutical options to treat IBS symptoms, such as: bulk forming (ispaghula) and laxatives for constipation, opioid receptor agonists (loperamide) for diarrhea, anti-spasmodics to treat abdominal pain.

However, pills are expensive and come with unwanted side effects [2]. Ergo, through the lenses of many experienced health professionals (eg. Dr Michael Mosley, David Perlmutter), resetting the gut microbiome via natural remedies and changing lifestyle will treat unwanted IBS symptoms.

What if Changing lifestyle does not improve my bowel irritation, abdomen and stomach pain?

Understand the most prominent symptom and bowel habit [1], then focus to treat that symptom only.  

Bacterial infection: There may be a bacterial infection in the gut, so visiting the GP to receive antibiotics will ensure that staphylococcus A., Campylobacter, E.coli imbalance and many more pesky unwanted microbes are not the main source of the symptoms experienced.

Main treatment?

Mr safology, covid 19 stress and IBS rise .

Stress Free: A calm body and mind, a calm gut health as it is your brain that controls digestion! Busting stress from your life is crucial.

In fact, reducing stress should be everyone’s primary priority.

Meditate, read, pray to God, yoga. Anything that can destress your body is crucial to reducing IBS associated pain. I pray 5 times a day, read and reflect on the Quran teachings.

To Treat Diarrhea and Constipation: Laxatives, prokinetics and antidiarrheals. Green tea , ginger and senna are natural remedies to treat the symptoms of constipation. Chamomile tea is best to treat diarrhea.

Regular exercise:

Casual walk and shopping through town is a form of exercise. Though shopping should be carried out with precaution. Keep your wallet healthy!

A 5 minute walk is more than sufficient. If you an active person, go for a jog at your park instead. If Dumbbells is more to your taste, then HIIT 15 is the way to go!

Wear looser clothing: reduces body stress

Avoiding certain foods: coffee, fruit juices and reduce the spices in your food.

£11.70 Paperback format of: The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s Disease & Other Gut Disorders in 4–6 Weeks

Avoid gluten foods: Bread is the best tasting food to stay away from and generally follow the gluten-free low-FODMAP diet, which significantly reduces bloating, pain and irritation to your bowels [1]. No croissants, baguettes, sourdough, pastry…

Eat certain foods: gut microbiome and micrflux containing probiotics

£11.99 Low Fodmap Diet For Beginners 7-day plan
£4.99 Cheapest on Kindle/ebook: The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s Disease & Other Gut Disorders in 4–6 Weeks

Management By Healthcare Providers

It has been predicted via data analysis from a population based study [9]:

“Health care seeking was independently associated with severity and duration of the pain rather than psychological factors.”

source: click here

Patients that seek aid of their local GP’s resulting in hospital referrals, predominantly do not want to focus on psychological factors. Such as stress and such mental disorders. Treatment is to reduce symptoms and their severity.

Since 2016, this system of IBS management 6 months prior diagnosis has been optimised to utilise a teameffective algorithm for clinical practice [12]. Focussing not only on symptomology, but also the psychological factors associated with IBS [12].

Image below elegantly displays this new European System [13]:

IBS management using algorithm 6 months prior diagnosis.

Fig.4: algorithm to display IBS management 6 months prior diagnosis within European healthcare systems.

Case studies on current situation and IBS

 Mr Safology, IBS Symptoms and Diagnosis Is More Common Post Lockdown, Mainly To Stress- Latest 2021 Data Indicates
Don’t we all love statistical evidence. I certainly do!

An important research study [3] was conducted to identify if stress was directly related to worsening symptoms of IBS. The late 2020 study did approve this hypothesis statistically for the specific geographical location. Read on.

Data was collected electronically as a questionnaire from the Saudi Arabian participants of 1255 IBS patients [3] and gathered via descriptive cross-sectional approach.

 What is interesting, is that the stress caused by the pandemic specifically elevated chronic morbidities and associated symptoms of the IBS patients’ that stated worsening IBS. This accounts to 63.4% of 1255. That is nearly 2/3rds of the total patients that are stressed, COVID-19 pandemic as the culprit.

Mr Safology, Covid 19 missed christmas, woman video calling her family with cred hristmas hat on and a mask,
Young woman video calling her family, friends, loved ones rather being together during Christmas day!

Additionally, 56.6% of those stressed explicitly stated that they experienced severe elevation of the symptoms. In other words; diarrhea, constipation, pain levels increased more than they can normally cope. Furthermore, with P = .039 and .001 respectively, more than 3/4 (75.5%) of all 1255 patients statistically approve impaired completion of their daily tasks.

Ergo, reducing stress most certainly will reduce chronic abdomen pain and all associated IBS symptoms [3].

Though this is evident, external factors such as geographical climate, diet and lifestyle specific to Saudi Arabia, must be taken into consideration. So I researched the scientific database even further!

Thus, an anonymised study collected data from 2704 individuals from 33 countries [4]. Published in the journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, this study looked not only on the IBS symptoms, but also the impact that the pandemic showcased to all individuals (IBS and non-IBS participants).

The researchers concluded that self-reported IBS respondents had worse well-being and compliance to social distancing measures than non-IBS respondents.”

Understanding and maintaining personal hygiene, psychological impact of COVID-19 and attitude towards social distancing were evaluated statistically for all individuals.

We should all praise the researchers, as not only did they focus on IBS symptoms and association with the pandemic, but also shifted the focal lense to well-being and compliance differences between the 33 countries involved. This will give a better understanding of IBS patients overall.

305 (11.3%) of 2704 participants [4] were self-reported IBS and were analysed as being significantly worse in terms of emotional, social, and psychological well-being compared with non-IBS respondents.  28.2% IBS vs 35.3% non-IBS, with P = 0.029. 11.8% of the 305 self-reported IBS individuals experienced worsening IBS symptoms. 61.6% of 305 reported no change in symptoms. It is this group that were willing to practise social distancing indefinitely. 74.9% vs 51.4%, P = 0.016.

Thus, through multivariate analysis, this data indicates that if social distancing is followed in 3 weeks> chunks, there is an association of greater odds of improving IBS symptoms .

As Quek et al [4] stated: the follow up and future research should also focus on other factors such as occupational stress (not only pandemic stress) and dietary changes that were adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yes, but what about the vaccine? So I summarised the UK vaccine strategy below!

Now, vaccines are available in the UK. Not everyone is vaccinated mainly due to stock availability [5]. With this in mind, equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination programmes should be endorsed for patients with IBS symptoms and IBD patients.

In other words, there should be a greater emphasis on vaccinating IBD patients within the NHS preventative scheme.

This article [5] implies that NHS policy makers need to design and develop future COVID-19 vaccination programmes which includes high risk IBD patients.

Ergo, design with the knowledge of gastrointestinal health in mind.

Dietary Changes?

It is known that upper and lower respiratory diseases , such as [6] severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) virus for the latter, can affect the digestive system and present with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Patients with COVID19,  SARS‐CoV‐2 virus can disrupt the mucosa of the normal intestine.

This can potentially and has resulted in many patients with GI symptoms and a compromise in nutrient absorption [6]. Specifically designed Oral diet is the recommended treatment for these patients. However, many patients lose their appetite. Therefore, this diet alone is not enough. Enteral nutrition is the preferred route to promote gut integrity and immune function [6].

This explicit evidence is sufficient enough for those in the upper part of the NHS hierarchy to acknowledge patients with gastrointestinal symptoms. Symptoms in relation to associated syndromes and diseases. IBS is one of them!

Yes, many countermeasures are used to relieve side effects of ICU COVID-19 patients that display a significant barrier in GI intolerance. However, the threshold for the allowed use of parenteral nutritional should be lower [6] than the current level.

To recap on the virus understanding:

 SARS‐CoV‐2, is an enveloped RNA betacoronavirus that attaches to the angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Thus, the virus is allowed to enter the target cell and as a result, facilitate replication and cause death amongst the lower respiratory lining.

However, ACE2 receptors are abundantly available throughout the digestive system. The significant number of these receptors are located within the enterocytes, lining of the ileum and colon. That is the same locus in which IBS symptoms, pain and large intestine discomfort of the tissues are experienced. SARS-CoV-2 uses ACE2 and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. ACE2 and the protease are expressed in the lungs and small intestinal epithelia.

Yet, no study on IBS [7]!

Yet, D’Amico and his researchers [8] have focussed on diarrhea and COVID-19. They found that management of viral infections, healthcare systems are utilising the knowledge of biomedical science, in relation to patients’ gut microbiome. [8] Probiotics have been proposed for patients with COVID‐19, according to these researchers.

Though the focus is to treat diarrhea, it is a great sign for the medical sector and opens doors to new therapeutic opportunities.

Such targets in which medications (antibiotics and antivirals) and certain treatments (probiotics, dietry, yakult, fermented food items) are prescribed to improve the gut microbiota of patients with diarrhea and COVID-19. This will aid our future understanding of IBS in relation to its treatment. Regardless of any virus pandemic!

IBS Shopping List:

£11.99 Low Formal Diet For Beginners 7-day plan

£4.99 Cheapest on Kindle/ebook: The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s Disease & Other Gut Disorders in 4–6 Weeks

£11.70 Paperback format of: The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s Disease & Other Gut Disorders in 4–6 Weeks

£6.27 The Clever Guts Diet by Dr Michael Mosley

£11.60 Yakult 15 x 65ml

£2.69 Clipper Fair Trade Green Tea

£20 for 6 pack, 480 Clipper fairtrade Green Tea

Be sure to check out below for my other posts and all the links to the products I use recommended within this post.

Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay Safe!

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommened Products:

[1] Masuy, I., Pannemans, J., & Tack, J. (2020). Irritable bowel syndrome: diagnosis and management. Minerva gastroenterologica e dietologica, 66(2), 136–150.

[2] CMAJ. 2020 Mar 16; 192(11): E275–E282. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.190716 

[3] Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Dec 18; 99(51): e23711. Published online 2020 Dec 18. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023711 

[4] Quek, Sabrina Xin Zi et al. “Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on irritable bowel syndrome.” Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 10.1111/jgh.15466. 21 Feb. 2021, doi:10.1111/jgh.15466 

[5] Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Nov; 5(11): 965–966. Published online 2020 Sep 21. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(20)30295-8 

[6] Nutr Clin Pract. 2020 Jul 15 : 10.1002/ncp.10554. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10554 


[8] D’Amico F, Baumgart DC, Danese S, Peyrin‐Biroulet L. Diarrhea during COVID‐19 infection: pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(8):1663‐1672. 

[9] Talley NJ, Boyce PM, Jones M. Predictors of health care seeking for irritable bowel syndrome: a population based study. Gut 1997;41:394–8 

[10] De Palma G, Collins SM, Bercik P. The microbiota-gut-brain axis in functional gastrointestinal disorders. Gut Microbes 2014;5:419–29. 

[11] Marshall JK, Thabane M, Garg AX, et al. Walkerton Health Study Investigators. Incidence and epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome after a large waterborne outbreak of bacterial dysentery. Gastroenterology 2006;131:445–50, quiz 660 

[12]  IBS Management figure with symptoms 6 months prior diagnosis: Moayyedi P, Mearin F, Azpiroz F, et al. Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis and management: a simplified algorithm for clinical practice. United European Gastroenterol J 2017;5:773–88. 

[13] Figure for Management: 

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel: Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case!

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! mr safology

There is a proud sense of accomplishment, satisfaction when one finally discovers a way to achieve the most out of their electric guitar tone. Some say new pickups, many swear by their best drive pedal. However, these changes can become costly and may not be justified by the small improved difference. Here is my accidental discovery.

Replacing my regular strings to Ernie Ball Classic Rock & Roll 10-46.

My Typical String Changing Routine

 Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! mr safology string change routine

I change my strings once every month, but really should change them every 3 weeks to maintain that fresh tone. Before I unravel the Ernie Ball Slinkies from the super slinky pink (9-42 for my strat ) and regular slinky yellow packets (10-46 for my gretsch), I remove the old ones on my guitars and add lemon oil on the fretboards. Then restring them, stretch, tune then off I go feeling the blues.

The Accidental Discovery

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! accidental discovery mr safology magnifying glass

After trying other branded strings, I always go back to Ernie Ball Slinkies.

Tried Dr Blues pure nickel, they are okay but not consistent in tone and are sometimes rusty out of the packet and dead spots on the strings. I avoid them, at all cost (even if they’re free I would refuse to use them).

Daddarios, don’t like the feel of them compared to my slinkies.

Rotosound, they break easily and I never break strings. Ever.

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! Trial and error pen jotting to find these strings mr safology

From experience, the Ernie Ball slinky 9-42 and 10-46 feel more slinkier and we all know that is a huge bonus if you’re into full bluesy bends. So last month I went online and attempted to purchase my preferred strings below.

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! by mr safology
These awesome strings were my go to for my gretsch before I discovered the gems . Click here for 3 pack offer!

Sadly, the regular slinky (above) came in a pack of 3, which financially were too dear for my liking. Whilst searching through the related products, I discovered Ernie Ball Classic Rock N Roll pure nickel wrap 10-46 strings.

Having tried Dr Blues and GHS Boomers in the past, I was hesitant and my initial expectations for these underrated gem of pure nickel Rock N Roll strings were acceptable.

 Oh was I wrong. They made a huge difference to my tone. I have finally found my new regular 10 gauge strings and they’re affordable!

It may be accidental, but I have surely given my luck all the attention it wants. 

The Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel Strings. Best Affordable Strings For Les Paul Style Guitars and Gretsch In My Case!

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! mr safology
The Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel Strings. Best Affordable Strings For Les Paul Style Guitars and Gretsch In My Case! click here to find it cheapest online


Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel tone:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! Mr safology

These Ernie Ball classic Rock N Roll strings extract the best tone out of my Gretsch G5222. They kept that Gretsch brightness (80% of that classic twang) yet added that thumpy vintage warmth. I am closer in tone to the classic blues players.

Mid focussed tone, which lacked in the strings I tried prior to the classic Rock N Roll’s.

Perfect for Blues and Classic Rock tones. BB King and Malcolm Young at the same time!

You can achieve a unique jazzy strat chime with your humbuckers ( broadtron filtertrons in my case). My chambered Gretsch sounds more resonant.

Ernie Ball say:

“Classic retro and warm round tone with harmonic complexity”

Suitable for R & B, Jazz, Blues, rock. Really, you will not be disappointed. In fact, you may become devoted to them. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Feel Of Gauge

Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! Mr safology feel the blues

“Pure nickel wire wrapped through tin plated hex shaped steel core.”

 Great if you want that Vintage pure Nickel roundcore tone and feel without the tuning instability of the bass EAD strings, as I experienced in DR Blues (sorry, it’s a bad experience DR).

The feel to me is between a roundcore and a hex core. This may be due to pre Nickel wrapping of the wound strings.

The 10-46 feel more closer to 9.5 gauge. Though I have never tried quirky 9.5 gauges. You will know what I mean when you try them!

Feel Of Pure Nickel and Blues Playability:

No squeeky sound whilst sliding from one minor scale to the next. This is a feature for all pure nickel strings.

Much more fun to play and feel the blues with. Very expressive and slinky. Easier to bend, don’t know why Ernie Ball Rock N Roll can do this. There’s sourcery going on and they’re not telling us. I am not complaining though!

Soft compressed feel, your guitar frets will love you for it!

Check out this post on blues music and historical significance!


Ernie Ball Rock N Roll 10-46 Pure Nickel:  Best Affordable Electric Guitar Strings for Les Paul and Gretsch In My Case! British pounds Mr safology

Ernie Ball rock N Roll strings are the same price as regular slinky strings and we all know they are affordable! ~£6 for pure nickels is a steal.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 Excellent

5/5 value. Great value for money, especially akncowledging that these strings are pure Nickel with a hex core. You don’t see that combo often!

4/5 tone. This is subjective. If you want that vintage tone of your blues and rock idols, these are for you.

5/5 for feel. Best feeling strings I have played. Easy to bend, resonant notes and I feel much more expressive playing with a blues backing track.



If you’re fond of and want to support your local guitar store (sadly much more expensive), tell the guitar store guy you want Ernie Ball Classic Greenie 10’s.  They will know what you want. If you know, you know.

The cheapest online is funny enough from Amazon and the link is below and you can also click where you see the words Ernie Ball Classic Rock N Roll throughout the blog post.

Be sure to check out below for my other posts and all the links to the products I use recommended within this post.

Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay Safe!

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommended Products:

Ernie Ball Classic Regular Rock N Roll Pure Nickel Strings 10-46 (click here)

Ernie Ball Super Slinky 9-42 (click here)

Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 10-46: 3 pack (click here)

Ernie Ball Ernie Ball Classic super slinky Rock N Roll Pure Nickels 9-42: 2 pack (click here)

More info on Ernie Ball strings

Debate Corner: Blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

Mr safology debate corner, blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

The blues is expressed with immense feeling, honesty and most importantly; elegant simplicity and sophistication. Blues gave a sense of freedom, a way of being heard to the opposing parties (oppressors and segregators). A way to voice one’s struggles in life; broken heart, lack of currency, social status. To the voicing satisfaction in overcoming of such obstacles gives the listener a sense of motivation and hope/drive to succeed in life.

Highly driven and confident David most certainly overcame the mighty Goliath and revealed Goliath’s weaknesses. That is key to the story we all know. Weaknesses of the most powerful are revealed by those whose voices are not heard directly. Rather, heard by peaceful protests and through music. The Blues most certainly gives that vibe!

Blues Is A Unique Language

Blues is a unique language, Mr safology debate corner, blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

When I first started to take up guitar lessons, my enthusiasm to finally play the music of my favourite greats elevated. Hendrix, Knopfler, BB King, Clapton, Rory Gallagher, John Mayer (later on though).

However, my lessons consisted of the C and G major scale, classical style guitar. I remember the day, not as vividly, but I asked the instructor to teach me Here Comes The Sun (Beatles obviously). That was sadly not in the curriculum. Instead to perform in front of teachers and parents, the theme tune to Titanic. We all know it! It is a great tune, but it is not the same feeling of blues music. Though, it is interlinked.

Why? Language Of The Blues.

blues face, feel the blues, Mr safology debate corner, blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

Feeling the Blues and show your Blues Face!”

The way in which each note is played selectively and with purpose, vibrations of the half/full tone bends to reach the blues notes, the common phrases I recognised (licks). All these factors gave my emotions the true new meaning of “feeling the blues.” The language of the blues spoke to me. We all speak the same language of music.

Blues Music Is A stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

They want our rhythm but not our blues protest, Mr safology debate corner, blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality

It is a well established fact, blues music paved the way to all genres of current music. Pop, R&B, country…Each genre sounds different yet seem interlinked at the same time. The blues has brought music a long way.

However, blues started in the 1800’s at Delta Mississippi. It was during the time within the end stage of slavery in USA. As a result of the awful historical slavery era, poverty alongside unlawful rules and regulations within the less economical society (African Americans) started to appear.

There was no freedom and equality. The black community started to sing songs whilst ploughing crops in the fields, picking cotton for the fabric industry. This would occur at places known as “juke joints”, where the struggling community would gather round, listen to the blues with the guitar (slide) and harmonica. Sharing the struggles, as though they are soothed by the blues sound.

It is the humming and lyrical genius of the least powerful in society that opened the gates to a whole new world of music. This musical tone with emotion gave us Blues Music. The music of emotion and motivation to succeed within the short time we all have on Earth.

Want To Listen To The Most essential Blues Music?

There are a few CD’s on blues, however if you are looking for an all rounded collection of essential blues, then I recommend this product below!

80 all time blues classics. click to buy amazon
I listen to this 4-CD album (click here) every sunday morning. CD 3 is my favourite!

Modern Blues?

Mr safology debate corner, blues Music Is A Stepping Stone For Freedom and Equality, stratocaster blue

That is my cup of tea right there. Fusion of Rock, Jazz, Modern music is what I call Modern Blues. Watchtower (Hendrix), Sailing To Philadelphia (Knopfler), Bad Penny by Rory Gallagher and literally all of John Mayer and Clapton.

John Mayer Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Live. Watch Below On YouTube!

My favourite modern blues by John Mayer performing live in LA version (intro has the feels)

Check out these Essential Blues Playlists on Amazon Prime Music below here (included in your Prime)!

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Why Prime? Prime movies and shows, next day delivery, borrow kindle books, unlimited photo storage, Amazon music with over 2 million tunes! Great playlists for blues!!

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Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Feel The Blues! 

Not sure if you are a watch enthusiast? check out my blog below to find out!

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommended Products:

80 all time blues classics- 4 CD collection

Don’t have Prime: Exclusive Offer From Amazon For You Readers!

Students can claim 6 months free Prime (click here)

Want to try 1 month free Prime?(click here)

12 Rules For Life By Jordan Peterson- Book Study

12 rules for life by jordan peterson summary book study from mr safology

There is always a sense of achievement, satisfaction when I read the last page of a book. Even a stimulating article. To read is to gain as much knowledge, insight from those that have achieved greatness or have learnt from their life changing mistakes.
However, it can sometimes feel as though you have wasted your time, effort and brain power to process a chunky length book that is somewhat waste of brain space.

This is not the case for 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson. It is a must read. From this short post: I will share with you what I got out of this book and where I apply the 12 rules in my life. As you may know, Jordan Peterson is releasing his new sequel “Beyond Order” [coming March 2nd 2021-click for more] giving us readers 12 more rules that are easily applied to our living. As we are eagerly patient, here is my short recap of his first major selling book “12 Rules For Life” interpreted though my scientific lens. Enjoy!

click here to keep it in your bookshelf!

The 12 rules interpreted my way:

1. Good Posture

importance of good posture. Link to product!

This rule is not only psychologically positive to give a boost of confidence, but also healthy for your spine. We are in a world currently where we spend most of our time typing away at the computer, on our phones refreshing our social media feeds. I understand. We have worsening posture. Standing up straight, rolling back your shoulders is defined as good posture. From experience, good posture feels uncomfortable, unnatural to sit up so straight as though as I am imitating Beethoven playing his next symphony piece. Digging the tinternet, I found this posture corrector (click here) and I personally wear it for 1 hour every day. Most certainly, it works.

corrector aligns postural alignment.
click on the image to buy & choose your size (m-l preferred)

 Not only that, I see the benefit of correct postural alignment, I am slowly perceiving life in a new angle. Slowly is emphasised here as the corrector has to be worn every day in order for the joints, muscles, ligaments to properly align in the correct manner. I feel much more energised and can power through 2 pomodoros (how I complete work) at once without the 5 minute break in between.

If your spine needs pain relief as well as improving posture, I recommend this product (click here) or image below.

posture corrector and spine pain relief

2. Be a Carer To Yourself

be a care to yourself. Go for a short walk

Peterson explains that your body, your health should be your main priority to maintain. The way you look after your elderly relatives, your friends and even your pets is fantastic as it should be. But, do not forget to take care of yourself! Go for a short walk around your neighbourhood, consume high protein and less carbohydrate rich foods. Pamper yourself, enjoy a relaxing massage!

be a carer to yourself. Pamper yourself with a massage at your local salon!

Check out my post (snippet below) on 16/8 intermittent fasting and diet for a natural, healthy way for weight loss without losing energy and to avoid calling the gym your second home!

3. Surround Yourself With Those That Want The Best For You

Surround Yourself With Those That Want The Best For You. Study with great students and complete group assignments

This is crucial. Never be in close proximity with those that give you a bad vibe. Family members, friends, the neighbour possibly, should all be positive towards you. Well at least not those trying to drag you down. Not name calling, but there was someone that was in my close proximity. No negativity at the start. However, I felt and saw glimpses of negativity towards me. So, I removed that person from my life. How? Told the individual what I saw and felt, and to never come closer within my proximity. Jealousy is a bad trait, don’t you think!


Not in this book, but one which I read during my later teen years was: An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield.

Aim to be a zero...” My favourite quote from this book below has influenced my life. Never up one towards anyone, never bring anyone down or give off a negative vibe. Be neutral, respectful and honest..

chris hadfield book. Aim to be a zero
Click here: Great read. Short, simple.

4. Improve Yourself Today A Little Better Than Yesterday

Improve Yourself Today A Little Better Than Yesterday. be a little better today. 12 rules for life review

In my view, we should learn lessons from those that have accomplished certain barriers in their life. Learn from their mistakes, not read them. This was not mentioned in Peterson’s book however.

 He simply explains that one should compare themselves with themselves , not with others today. So, do not compare yourself in terms of attitude and achievements with others. Be the best person you can be today. I somewhat agree. Yes, achieve the best you can. Fully commit to your targeted goals, but do it to be a better you. Not what your business mentor states, or your role models in life.

Personally, learn from others and how they achieved such parameters, but link it to your lifestyle and your aims in life. This is done by reading books about them. Do not dwell on achieving a goal a certain way.

Life is a journey, it will take you there but in different routes. You may not need to reach your destination, it may be more suited for you to stay at a different location.

But that is what you prefer, not what someone else wants. Let it be that way!

5. Allow Your Children To Do Things That Won’t Make You Dislike Them

Allow Your Children To Do Things That Won’t Make You Dislike Them. Loving father with his cute child. 12 rules for life review

Personally, this is one for the future. However, reflecting on Peterson’s rule; my parents most certainly followed this. I will surely follow my parents footsteps in the way to bring up my child. They allowed me to do anything I want as long it meets their criteria that will not make them hate me. Prayer, Taekwondo classes, football (well father is pretty crazy about football), playing stratocaster blues and studying within the medical sector.

I remember wanting a sink in my bedroom so I could complete science experiments. Sadly that did not happen, but I did burn a small section of my carpet with salts and magnesium. Be loving and strict (not too much) at the same time to your children, so they do not go astray. They are naive after all. They want to attend an extracurriculum activity, let them as long it benefits them and yourself in the future. They will find their talent and passion! If they do not follow your criteria (not asking prior attendance), then a quick slap won’t do any harm. It will teach them a lesson.

Peterson explains this situation as though the child is playing with a wall socket. For protection of the child, a slap is most certainly required, not just to raise your voice. But they are your children, or will be, so it is up to you. Each to their own, I guess.

6. “Set Your House In Perfect Order Before You Criticise The World”

This one is simple, yet effective. Do not tell others any criticism about them if you yourself do not follow. To become a hypocrite is surely one of the wrongdoers. For example, telling someone that they drink too much, yet when you go home you drown yourself in prosecco. Back-biting about someone, yet that person can do the same about you. Criticising how one speaks with vulgarity, yet you come home and do the same.

This rule should not be a rule. As this rule is not meant to be broken.

7. Pursue What Is Meaningful, Not Expedient

Straightforward. Don’t take the easy route, the immoral route. Be ambitious enough so you can achieve such goals, life should be meaningful.

 As I have always said to myself: Live life as though you are writing a story!

8. Honesty, Do Not Lie

seriously, do not lie. There is no benefit. Honesty is the way of life. 12 rules for life review

In the medical sector, it is part of a clinical understanding to tell patients the situation with full honesty and directness, yet softening tone at the same time.

For example, a patient asks to join, the health professional has to say no because you (patient) are of residence within the mental asylum infirmary. Or patient asks to leave for fresh air. Response: No, because it is unsafe for you to do so as you are contracted with a deadly virus that is putting you in critical danger.

9. Listen Well To Gain Something

Listen as though the person talking is sharing knowledge with you. 12 rules for life review

Listening is a great trait to have. Always listen well, in order for you to gain some knowledge out of it. Even if it is your Aunt talking to you, always listen as though they are trying to tell you something. Otherwise, it would be a waste to listen if nothing is gained out of it.

10. Speech

When talking, always be precise. Never too much, to reveal the climax after 5 minutes of small talk or stretched conversation. Personally, this is comparable to scientific writing. Precision, accuracy in gathering statistical analysis and in terms of structuring a hypothesis.

Obviously you need some small talk, otherwise you will sound robotic. This way of confident talking will happen. You will find that when you do talk, others around you will listen much more attentively. Speak less, but well. 

In conversation, listen well to gain something out of it. Then reply with your interpretation of relatable knowledge.  

11. Do Not Stop The Youth From Being Youthful

Don't stop the youths from being youths.12 rules for life review

We all make mistakes. We all learn from our mistakes, our way. So if you see a few young youths trying to stunt ride their BMX bikes. Let them. They may fall, let them. Do not stop them from becoming Tom Cruise. It is unhealthy for them. Additionally, it may trigger your old memories when you were younger or are doing right now.

12. Acts Of Kindness

community is kindness. 12 rules for life review

Perform random acts of kindness. This is taught through my religion and teachings of my beloved prophet. We all need to give more to those in need. Be a great human being, share your love and give compassion (sympathy and concerns for others). An old lady needs help reaching for a small loaf of bread. Help her take it off the shelf, maybe even buy it for her. Volunteer at your local charity or attend fundraising events. Visit the sick. Whatever it is, try (myself included) to do one act of kindness a day.


So there you have it. 12 rules that are quite simple but with my added touch relating them to my life, I am sure my post has elevated your interest in this must read book. All the rules talked about are equally as important in living a fulfilling life. I personally started off by the following rules 1. Good Posture and 12. Acts of Kindness.

Be sure to check out below for my other posts and all the links to the products I use recommended within this post.

Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay Safe! 

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommended Products:

12 Rules For Life: Great price right now!

Beyond Order: More info and the ability to pre-order

Back posture corrector £8.99

Neoprene Belt strap for back pain relief and Posture corrector: £15.99 (Now £14.99)

Chris Hadfield (the astronaut) Book!

16/8 Intermittent Fasting and Diet Post. Check it out!

What Is The Treatment For COVID-19?

In order to answer the question: What is the treatment or treatments to COVID-19? We must first need to understand the virus and its severity.

What Are Coronaviruses?

  • Collection of many viruses predominantly located within animals.
  • 7 Coronaviruses infect humans, with 3/7 causing serious health complications. Mainly being unable to breathe.
  • From the 3 highly deadly virus types, one of them is what we know as COVID19. The medical term for this virus is named as SARSCoV2.
  • Less serious coronaviruses or rhinoviruses cause the common cold. This is highly common and not severe. The symptoms are mainly runny nose, congestion, slight fever, feeling lethargic.
  • For COVID-19, symptoms are comparable to common cold symptoms.
  • COVID-19 symptoms are much more severe for hospitalised patients. These hospitalised patients that are correctly diagnosed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus display difficulty in breathing, or no breathing.

The Good News:

For the majority of people with these COVID-19 symptoms, they can recover and thus be treated as though they have a bad cold.

Such as:

  • Keeping hydrated with plenty of water, fluids.
  • Cold and flu tablets (any will work, so supermarket branded tablets are identical to known brands)
  • rest to combat lethargic sensation

Treatments For Hospitalised Patients Of COVID-19:

Patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19 need to be hospitalised.

The treatment given is to support patients to reduce their symptoms. Furthermore, it is directly focused to aid the patients’ own immune systems for their own bodies to fight off infection.

What is given to help with patients that show difficulty in breathing?

External oxygen supply. This can be done via either supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation (BiPAP) and if highly severe then it is advised to use conventional ventilators to “intubate and oxygenate” the patients.

mechanical ventilation (BiPAP)

However, these treatment guidelines by World Health Organisation( WHO) and National Institute of Health (NIH), are constantly updating and evolving to find the best solution to this global pandemic.

What Additional Factors Does A Patient’s Treatment Depend On?

  1. Underlying health conditions (such as diabetes and lung conditions such as TB,tuberculosis)
  2. NHS resources available at local hospitals
NHS resources available at local hospitals

Are There Any Medications To Destroy SARS-CoV-2?


Remdesvir covid-19

This is an antiviral medication that interrupts the virus and its replication ability to prevent replication in a person’s body. Thus the virus can not spread throughout the body.

Recommended: for hospitalised patients (require oxygen) that are not being treated with mechanical ventilators.

Issue: Limited supply being produced by health institutions. The world is lacking in this supply.


dexamethasone covid-19

These are types of glucocorticosteroid that modify an individual’s immune system in regards to how the immune system regulates itself.

Recommended: Can be used on all hospitalised patients (require oxygen).

Issue: Not given to patients that do not require oxygen as these drugs display side effects, unfortunately may worsen one’s condition.

Other Possible Treatments That Need Further Testing For Safety:

Blood plasma transfusion (Convalescent Plasma):

Blood plasma transfusion for covid-19

Process simplified: Blood plasma taken from a patient that has recovered from COVID-19 and injecting it to a hospitalised patient with SARS-CoV-2.

Recommended: To all hospitalised when more trials conducted, so not yet (dated October 2020)

Issue stated by NIH: More trials and evidence are required to identify that convalescent plasma therapy does in fact combat the disease or in fact might worsen seriously infected patients with SARS-CoV-2.

NIH= National Institute Of Health




Issue stated by NIH: Initial trials for these drugs displayed no benefit, outcomes of patients worsened their condition of this disease, SARS-CoV-2. Main reasoning, is the very harmful side effects that are life threatening.

If You Have Symptoms:

Visit the NHS official website for symptom enquiry and MEDICAL ADVICE

GET A CORONAVIRUS TEST: It is only for quantitative measure and for your safety. Personally, these tests detect within the upper respiratory, the nasopharyngeal airway. However the disease is lower respiratory, effecting the lungs. However, for identifying if there are any viral detection then it is a must.  

The information provided within this post is accurate with credible and reputable sources. However, it is not advice. Only take advice from your local hospital, GP, NHS website.

Wear face masks and wash your hands and face. Keep 1m distance between others around you. 

stay safe, wear masks and hand sanitise
NHS coronavirus

 Don’t forget to comment below and share this blog (below icons if on mobile or on the side if on the laptop) to friends and family, it will be greatly appreciated by me and your loved ones. Stay Safe!

ADDITIONAL SOURCES and Recommended Products:

For the latest symptom information on NHS:


NHS 111 online coronavirus service:




Beigel, J. H., Tomashek, K. M., Dodd, L. E., Mehta, A. K., Zingman, B. S., Kalil, A. C., Hohmann, E., Chu, H. Y., Luetkemeyer, A., Kline, S., Lopez de Castilla, D., Finberg, R. W., Dierberg, K., Tapson, V., Hsieh, L., Patterson, T. F., Paredes, R., Sweeney, D. A., Short, W. R., Touloumi, G., … ACTT-1 Study Group Members (2020). Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 – Final Report. The New England journal of medicine, NEJMoa2007764. Advance online publication.

Blood Plasma Transfusion:

BMJ 2020;370:m3516

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 15 September 2020)

Blood Plasma Transfusion Ineffective:

BMJ 2020;371:m4072

BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 22 October 2020)

Mechanical ventilation (BiPAP):

Carter, C., Aedy, H., & Notter, J. (2020). COVID-19 disease: Non-Invasive Ventilation and high frequency nasal oxygenation. Clinics in Integrated Care, 1, 100006.

Conventional ventilators to “intubate and oxygenate” the patients:

BMJ 2020;369:m1828

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 12 May 2020)

 World Health Organisation( WHO):

National Institute of Health (NIH):