Acknowledging the higher power, eliminates the fear of the unknown and as a result; we become “superhuman.” Submitting to the creator of the universe and planet Earth, gives a sense of one’s purpose in life. To strive for an eternal bliss.
The boundary between acknowledging the higher power and participating in religion can be penetrated, thus emerged as one. Yet, religion can express malleable properties to please society, culture and individual dictators. To combat this, the last claimed divine scripture, Quran 2:256, states “no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from error.” Following a divine law, (eg shariah), should not benefit those that adore spreading their corruption and control. Rather, should benefit us individually and collectively.
One may ponder; Are we not grateful for even existing? Acknowledging the creator most certainly gives us the sense of Purpose and Power of Certainty!
Here is my 1st and unique perspective response on the explosive debate: “Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan” regarding the existence of a higher power and Evolution. Enjoy!
Will Richard Dawkins Reject His Own Works?
First of all, Dawkins has written publications on Atheism. It is difficult for a man of that background to disregard his own works in an instant. As a scientist myself, I can see his point of view. However, truth is truth and theories are made to be challenged. This is why he states that he is “no physicist” and is lacking in knowledge. So, him becoming an agnostic is a step forward. May Allah, the higher power, the creator, guide him to the truth.
Unvisited Yet True and Valid Reasons, Such Atheists May Reject In A Higher Power.
Now for reasons why atheists may not accept the existence of a higher power. These points are not well-known and few rationale interpretations may even surprise you.
There are many reasons why one can’t accept God’s (higher power) existence. Arrogance is one of them. No matter what you say to them, they will not listen with an open heart, not open minded to learn and gain knowledge.
Another reason as to why one does not accept existence of God, is fear. All wrongdoings they have done in life, they fear the worst for themselves, they feel they can never be good enough for heaven, eternal bliss. Allah is all merciful. Every chapter except one in the Quran starts with bismillahirahmanirrahim. In the name of Allah, the most merciful. Allah is most forgiving.
So Dawkins may have fear in himself, especially when he has published books on NO Existence of God (a higher power). Goldilocks Enigma and God Delusion.
Goldilocks enigma response to this. (Paul Davies The Goldilocks Enigma – Why is the Universe just Right for Life? (Penguin Allen Lane, 2006). )
Higher Power Is Only For Theists:
You think Allah provides for only Muslims? You’re wrong. Every single creation is given a life, and free will to decide what to do with their lives. Allah, higher power, provides for atheists as well. They are the creation of Allah after all. Until your last breath, every single person has an opportunity to appreciate God and God existence, gratifying God and pondering on what God has created. Scientists ponder on what God created, this action is a form of worship.
Richard Dawkins pondering on the existence of this universe and how it started, is a form of worship. As he is getting closer to the truth.
Desires and No Purpose
Another reason as to why one does not acknowledge existence of God, is merely desires. Chasing your desires, and because of this, one is more focused on the worldly life than what will happen after they die.
When you die, do you know what will happen to your soul?
Do you even believe that you have a soul? If you do, why? These are questions to ask yourselves, especially if one is subscribed to the religion of Atheism.
Are you just here for no purpose? What a waste of a life you have. Living for what? 60, 70, 80 years and that’s it. Money, fame, girls? Guys? What is it? Dead. You’re non existent, gone. What a waste. So why were you even born then? What will happen to you when you die?
Hitler. He never got caught and was never punished for his crimes. Where is he now? Nowhere? Non existent? True justice is in the eternal realm of everlasting living.
Superhuman Arrogance
Another reason why one does not acknowledge God, is own arrogance that no one species or people are greater than yourself. Is there no need for a creator? You think we humans created Earth? Who created the first man?
This is why Dawkins states “superhuman” instead of “super beings.”
Dawkins is arrogant and is believing that no species are greater than himself (human, this superhuman).
We can’t even travel to Mars as humans yet, never mind thinking we created Mars!
Response To Evolution
Now, when it comes to evolution. Dawkins does discuss this. This is my response.
I am Muslim (defined as submitting to higher power only). I only believe with evidence. I can not believe in God, rather I acknowledge that there is a creator that created Earth. Created all of us.
May I state clearly, that whatever wrong one has done, the creator Allah, is all forgiving and all merciful. People can’t accept God, due to the fact that they’re scared of their punishment. Just because one does not believe in God, one will not get punished by God when they die. Because, you have a soul. Allah is all forgiving.
When you’re in your mother’s womb. Did you know that you’re being developed? Did you perceive your birth? No.
When you set your alarm (sleep), do you know when you fall asleep? That’s the point when your soul leaves the body. I’m Muslim and I acknowledge this.
A soul is clearly given to us. Why?
We have consciousness. Can we see consciousness? No, but we know we have consciousness.
“Theories are theories”
I am a biologist, biomedical background, developing my career in research. I sat through many seminars on this, yet the narrative of evolution has always been theories. Not factual. It’s only factual in structure, to allow progression in the academic world. That’s all.
I agree that we should be intellectually challenged. Yet, this gentleman Dawkins, “believes” in “no creator.” Thus, he has a belief. Without proof that there isn’t a “creator.” He’s claiming there’s no God, yet he has no proofs that there isn’t God. He’s claiming, he should provide evidence to say that there’s no God.
So far, I heard Dawkins state that evolution is fact. May I state that evolution is merely theories. Theories are not factual. They’re theories. Evolution is debunked. He knows it.
But he admits that he doesn’t know and know one will know how life started. I acknowledge what started this. A creator.
Human Beings Are Superior To All Other Beings.
Animals are not comparable to humans when it comes to communication. Look at our vast language eloquence. In fact, we utilise sophisticated language and our difference between animals is our ability to ask questions. Jane Goodall, a highly respected primatologist, heavily emphasises on this. She has stayed and interacted with chimps throughout her life. She clearly tells us that we are different in terms of language and our ability to ask questions.
Animals don’t ask questions, they don’t debate over the smallest things. They’re not fighting over things. Why? They can’t. It’s not built within them. Therefore, they are in survival mode and rely on instincts.
You won’t see a lion think about what not to eat. If there’s meat in front of it, the lion will eat it. The lion wouldn’t start questioning and start to converse with vegan lions. There’s no such thing as vegan lions. It’s instinct.
As a submitter to the creator, I recognise animals as creations. Cows can’t digest meat, yet they churn with 4 stomachs. We as humans can’t digest grass, but we have one stomach.
Naturally, cows eat grass and us humans can not eat grass. We have canine teeth, we have amino acids that we need to gain from diet (or external supplements) as the only source. Naturally.
You see, animals should be respected. That’s why we consume halal meat in Islam. We don’t electrocute animals. We have to slaughter the halal animal in a halal way. Let’s say lamb. It has to be fed in an organic way and lifestyle. Then when slaughtering, a sharp knife slits the jugular vein on the neck. The point where the pain receptors stop functioning, and the brain loses it’s ability quickly. Blood is restricted from travelling between brain to superior Vena Cava due to the slit jugular vein, thus blood is not transported to the heart and lungs. Animals feel much less pain due to rapid blood loss, than compared to electrocution or shooting which is felt completely by the animal.
Animals don’t build tall buildings. Humans do. Us humans are elite in creation by Allah. We control other animals.
We control other animals.
If you want to talk about evolution, well gather knowledge first. No evidence at all. No complete fossil structure, it’s all based on assumption. As a scientist and one of my modules I read at university was based on evolution, and that it’s merely based on assumption. I can quickly give a few points for you. Evolution is debunked!
Cambrian Explosion:
The giraffes going from short necks to long necks. So stupid with the claim. The research shows no. I’ll repeat. NO evidence/ NO findings of transitional forms of fossils of the giraffes. So, the shortening of the vessels etc. We need transitional fossils to show us that transition. Well, there aren’t any. Innumerable claim was used. Origin of species book, chapter 6 named Difficulty in Theory. This form of fossils have to exist to make this claim. It must exist to have innumerable transitional forms. In fact, Stephen Gay Gould “Panda’s Thumb” claims to shift information. Yes, now the claim is “sudden appearance of species.” So, there’s no evolution then. Out of nowhere a “sudden appearance of species.”
Vestigial Organs:
This is just really contradicting and they’ve shot themselves in the foot. They say that such organs are vestigial (useless). Why? Because evolution is true. But doesn’t evolution state that all organs must be used for survival and reproduction? Vestigial Organs evidence, because evolution is true. So funny. What a contradiction!
I asked AI ChatGPT and I advise you to try this as well. The computer ruled and stated that AI ChatGPT is bias. So, in the conversation, such questions were answered without any evidence:
- How do we know such vestigial organs are not for survival and reproduction?
- The whole point of vestigial organs is to show evolution. But the organs are useless, yet passed down through generations. Why?
- How do we know the appendix had the function related to digestion? We don’t, so we can’t assume this. However, we definitely know that appendix does in fact show functionality, as presence of lymphoid tissue and recent studies demonstrate roles in maintaining gut microbiome diversity.
Homology Is Proven To Be Rejected:
Homology in short is the similarities due to common descent (or you can say ancestry). This is now rejected clearly. Look at Marsupials Vs Placentals research. As a summary, these 2 different mammals are also geographically distinct. In remote parts of the world (unrelated to others), yet there are anatomical features and traits similarities. They say that these two are related, but they’re independent convergent evolution! And not due to similarities to common descent!
As if it’s due to similarities are common descent, differences are due to different ancestry. Similarities found not to common descent. This therefore undermines their side of the conversation (source: Rav Jon “Bio.”).
Evolution Is Lacking
So evolution is debunked. Many theories come and go. Not even one can be backed up with clear proofs.
Darwinism, theory of natural selection, Lamarckism and many others are theories, in which their understanding of evolution is solely based on assumption. Theories have no concrete fact, they base upon. They are just theories, possible reasonings to evolution, or even if there is evolution, at all.
You may have heard, Darwin theory stating we share 99% DNA with chimps. There is scientific proof. However, as I say, theory is based on assumption and is meant to be proven wrong. No complete factual evidence.
99% DNA chimps and humans are shared, is false. Why? As the theory
assumes common ancestors are shared.
However, in 1974 it was established that the 99% is actually coding DNA. Whilst 95% of all DNA is Non-coding, Darwin ignored this main section of DNA. 95% of DNA ignored, solely to prove his theory as correct. So 5% of all DNA is shared between chimps. And that 5% of DNA is coding DNA. Yet, the main section of DNA is Non coding, 95% of it, and was ignored by Darwin.
Now, having known this, should I base my knowledge on evolution with his theory? No, I won’t. He, Darwin, has deliberately left out the main section of DNA, to prove his point. But as scientists now know, this theory is rejected.
I studied evolution and genetics at university for a module. We were told, that there is no direct, concrete fact of evolution, they are all theories. However, through technology and studying the human genome project, it has come to know that we have a common ancestor. Linguistically, “ancestor” is not affirmed, however the scientific information for this topic in question, is feasible and fascinating. In particular, mitochondrial Eve.
Mitochondrial Eve
This maternal ancestor of all human beings does confirm that Eve did live many years ago, and through this maternal ancestor, we all have inherited this genetic blueprint. 200,000 years ago. The hyper- variability locus, as in the specific region of mtEve is used to give the biological clock.
Thus, this is a measure of time against statistical analysis with samples of various human blood. Mitochondrial DNA has been inherited by maternal Eve (yes Eve!) and passed on to us.
Now, nuclear DNA is a mystery. insha’Allah (if the higher power wills) we will know and realise factual evidence during this period. If Allah wills.
So, these evolution theories are nothing but theories. Scientists admit their own wrongdoings, but we still acknowledge the information as factual. This has to change and Richard Dawkins tells us to challenge our knowledge, our views. He’s right in this. Let the information, evidence, decide for us.
Why I Conclude The Basis of Richard Dawkins To Refuse and Not Acknowledge In A Higher Power “God.” Is Dawkins God Delusional?
Dawkins does not accept God due to his fear of accepting it, and all his work is wasted. Also, he’s scared of the punishment he will receive when he dies on Earth. Just remember, Allah is all forgiving. Be open minded and gain knowledge with an open heart. Insha’Allah (If God wills) Dawkins will be a great biologist and a “believer” in God. Just imagine the level of respect he will receive, his bravery once he acknowledges the creator. Unless there’s a scientific hierarchy that are in control. Hope not.
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Links & Products:
Richard Dawkins books:
Jane Goodall books:
The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for an Endangered Planet (Global Icons Series, 1)
What is Halal video (5mins and animated)
APA Sources:
Mitochondrial DNA Eve
Kimura, M. (1986). DNA and the Neutral Theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 312(1154), 343–354. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2396334
Peters JL, Roberts TE, Winker K, McCracken KG (2012) Heterogeneity in Genetic Diversity among Non-Coding Loci Fails to Fit Neutral Coalescent Models of Population History. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31972. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031972
G. Bernardi. 2019. The genomic code: a pervasive encoding/moulding of chromatin structures and a solution of the “non-coding DNA” mystery. BioEssays 41:12. 1900106
Marcupials Vs placental
Jamile M Bubadué, Carla D Hendges, Jorge J Cherem, Felipe O Cerezer, Tania P Falconí, Maurício E Graipel, Nilton C Cáceres, Marsupial versus placental: assessing the evolutionary changes in the scapula of didelphids and sigmodontines, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 128, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 994–1007, https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blz134
Responding to Goldilocks Enigma
Paul Davies The Goldilocks Enigma – Why is the Universe just Right for Life? (Penguin Allen Lane, 2006).
Vestigial Organs
Smith, H.F., Wright, W. (2018). Vestigial Organ. In: Vonk, J., Shackelford, T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_406-1
Thanukos, A. Bringing Homologies Into Focus. Evo Edu Outreach 1, 498–504 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12052-008-0080-5
Lamarckism debunked by Darwin believers
Darwinism and Lamarckism
Sen, Supatra. (2020). The Environment in Evolution : Darwinism and Lamarckism Revisited. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3537393.
Cambrian Explosion
Briggs D. E. (2015). The Cambrian explosion. Current biology : CB, 25(19), R864–R868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.04.047